
Dedicated to excellence in education

Headlines and Features

  • adc

    Adaptable Content Regions

    Enjoy the flexibility of horizontal layouts and an adaptable content area where content can display in one, two or three columns just above the footer... you decide! Scroll down on this page to see a 2-column layout.

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  • Background Photos

    The area behind Region C includes a sticky image that stays in place as content scrolls over top!

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  • Optional Footer Image

    The optional footer photo is one more area where you can showcase your district.

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  • Global Icons

    Aspire allows for up to eight global icons which appear under the main Photo Gallery so that they are higher up and more visible on the page.

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Content App

  • Tincidunt dui accumsan vehicula bibendum ullamcorper a ullamcorper augue et curabitur a a nec sit nam a vestibulum parturient accumsan nostra lacus id penatibus at. Vel ad non tincidunt a parturient torquent egestas a turpis ad at laoreet volutpat ullamcorper potenti. Per taciti adipiscing augue orci facilisi enim tristique condimentum suspendisse condimentum rutrum a parturient eu vehicula et a suspendisse tempus arcu quis condimentum a etiam torquent ac.

    Lacinia eu aliquam quam eu a congue vel diam iaculis elit sociosqu sem dui quam. Semper per vestibulum adipiscing eros a sodales a suspendisse sociosqu augue malesuada tellus et a aliquet a potenti aptent eleifend a a sagittis ligula molestie est netus hac.

Upcoming Events

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

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  • Students who are interested in participating in the school spelling bee should talk to their homeroom teacher. Study guides for the appropriate grade level will be provided and sign ups for practice groups are currently open.

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  • Parents! If you are in need of tutoring sessions for your children, please contact our school counselor. We have local college students who are trained and available for slotted sessions at our schools.

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