Content Accordion

  • Attendance Boundaries & Feeder Schools

  • When should I enroll my student?

  • 2018-19 New Student Registration

Tabbed Content

Headlines and Features

  • Headline Title

    Headline Title

    This is where you can enter teaser text, which describes your headline story in more detail and prompts the user to want to read more. You can write as much as you want in this area, but don't go too crazy!

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  •  The Headline Title

    The Headline Title

    This is where you can enter teaser text, which describes your headline story in more detail and prompts the user to want to read more. You can write as much as you want in this area, but don't go too crazy!

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  •  This is the Headline Text

    This is the Headline Text

    This is where you can enter teaser text, which describes your headline story in more detail and prompts the user to want to read more.

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  • This is a The Headline Title

    This is a Headline Title

    This is where you can enter teaser text, which describes your headline story in more detail and prompts the user to want to read more.

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Content App

  • Etiam praesent condimentum neque lorem parturient et senectus a a nostra magnis sit consectetur velit class. Feugiat condimentum inceptos nam eu duis neque integer ad cubilia eget odio a scelerisque facilisi a integer ante suscipit scelerisque ut ornare aliquet leo penatibus quisque ultricies per. Posuere nec hendrerit facilisis scelerisque primis rutrum vel rhoncus quisque est aptent suscipit dignissim condimentum a ad iaculis ante ultricies posuere feugiat himenaeos dictum a luctus vestibulum.

Upcoming Events

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  • Students who are interested in participating in the school spelling bee should talk to their homeroom teacher. Study guides for the appropriate grade level will be provided and sign ups for practice groups are currently open.

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  • Parents! If you are in need of tutoring sessions for your children, please contact our school counselor. We have local college students who are trained and available for slotted sessions at our schools.

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