Featured Content Styles Most templates include Featured Content styles that can be applied to Content Apps. These borders and background colors can be utilized to draw a user's attention to specific content. Whether that's contact information, important links, an announcement of some sort - you decide!
Congratulations to our Mathlete winners who took first place in the recent regional competition. They will be moving on to the national event which will take place later this year. See our featured article!
Students who are interested in participating in the school spelling bee should talk to their homeroom teacher. Study guides for the appropriate grade level will be provided and sign ups for practice groups are currently open.
Parents! If you are in need of tutoring sessions for your children, please contact our school counselor. We have local college students who are trained and available for slotted sessions at our schools.
The "I'm looking for..." section allows for up to ten global icons which appear to the right of the main Photo Gallery so that they are higher up and more visible on the page.
This template includes several custom editor styles that can be applied to Content Apps. These colored borders and backgrounds can be utilized to draw a user's attention to specific content.